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Marjanovic theory


... without discrediting and/or ignoring Quantum theory and/or Theory of relativity ...
applied on :
Energy Density Quantization model
Thunder Volcano

With attempt to unify particle and radiation forms of matter, I present hypothesis, which offers commonsense explanation of "impossible" relativity effects, "space" quantifying, recent view of dualism effect and other phenomena on quite new and unusual concepts ...
Model of Eternal Oscilating Universe
Galaxy Universe

where EPR effect (e.g.) is very obvious, blue shift is totally normal event, corpuscular object velocities are possible to exceed experimenaly measured value off light speed - wihout infinite mass growth, quantity "time" has not negative value, etc., but all current official theories remain valid ...
and absolutely NEW IDEAS about:
Priroda Black hole

Force of gravity as a projection of electro-weak force, Tesla`s non-Hertzian waves, Quant teleportation, Movement faster then light, Tiredness of light, Universe accelerate propagation, Black holes - (does not have to be/become ?) a singularities, ...

Abstract from: Prostor, vreme, materija, By Goran Marjanovic ® 198./1993.
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