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Abramovic theory This web site aims to introduce the general public as well as physicists and mathematicians into my Hypothesis of Time which is the basis to time control technology and the key to Tesla orientated research. Above all, my Constant Present Time Hypothesis is spiritu...

Matrix for Instant Messaging

What is it? Matrix works a little like email, but instantaneous and secure: You need to register an account at a provider Whatever your provider is, you can talk to people using other providers In the same way you can use Outlook or Thunderbird with the same email account, you can use different Matr...


СЕМИНАР НАУЧНЕ ДУХОВНОСТИ Фазе менаџмент процеса су планирање, организовање, лидерство и контрола. Свака од њих се грана на много области и предмета који се изучавају на факултетима. Научна истраживања имају за циљ да препознају, проуче и објасне што већи број законитости које постоје у природи и д...

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